phoenixtrademarkattorney Pricing – Phoenix Trademark Attorney, Trademark Attorney Phoenix

Phoenix Trademark Attorney, Trademark Attorney Phoenix


Trademark Your Business Name And/Or Logo

Flat fee Trademark Filing Service Packages are designed to fit your needs and budget.

* Government Filing Fee of $350.00 per class of goods/services will be due when we file your application.

** A minor office action is issued by the Examining Attorney at the Trademark Office when the submitted application contains minor errors such as typographical errors or improperly formatted documents.

*** A major office action is issued by the Examining Attorney at the Trademark Office when the submitted application contains major errors, resulting in registration refusals that will require extensive legal arguments to overcome.

To start trademarking your brand now, fill out our easy-to-use trademark registration form below. Once you’ve submitted the form, you will be assigned an attorney and he or she will promptly contact you to schedule your FREE consultation. During the consultation, your attorney will explain the entire trademarking process to you and answer any questions you may have. Your attorney can also advise you on which one of one of our trademark filing packages is best for you, so don’t worry if you’re not sure which package to pick right now. It costs nothing to get in touch with us, so there’s no excuse for not acting to protect your brand now.

Simple and Transparent Pricing


Government Filing Fee*
$ 999
Licensed U.S. attorney prepares and files your federal trademark application
Attorney available for your questions throughout the trademark registration process
Attorney overturns minor USPTO office actions** for free
Comprehensive USPTO database and common law search
Attorney analyzes trademark search results to identify potential conflicts, potential infringement, and assess the likelihood of approval by the USPTO
Get a second free search on an alternative trademark if conflicts are found in the first report or the results of the first report are overly negative
Legal opinion on odds of success of your trademark drafted by a licensed U.S. attorney and emailed to you
Attorney researches, drafts, and submits any legal argument that might be needed to overturn major USPTO office actions***


Government Filing Fee*
$ 399
Licensed U.S. attorney prepares and files your federal trademark application
Attorney available for your questions throughout the trademark registration process
Attorney overturns minor USPTO office actions** for free
Comprehensive USPTO database and common law search
Attorney analyzes trademark search results to identify potential conflicts, potential infringement, and assess the likelihood of approval by the USPTO
Get a second free search on an alternative trademark if conflicts are found in the first report or the results of the first report are overly negative
Legal opinion on odds of success of your trademark drafted by a licensed U.S. attorney and emailed to you
Attorney researches, drafts, and submits any legal argument that might be needed to overturn major USPTO office actions***