Trademark Classes by The Phoenix Trademark Attorney

Naturally, all trademark registrants must identify the class of goods or services for which their trademark is used. Furthermore, it’s important to include the correct trademark class or classes in your trademark registration because your trademark registration will only protect your trademark in the class or classes that are identified in your application. Learn More 

Full Trademark Classes & Services

There are 45 trademark classes, 34 of which are for goods and 11 of which are for services. A complete list of these trademark classes can be found at the following link:

Class Examples – A Separate Trademark Application

Suppose, for example, that you make handcrafted tables and chairs, and you register your trademark under class 20 which is titled “Furniture and Articles not Otherwise Classified.” If you then start making wooden serving spoons, your trademark won’t protect your spoons because they fall under class 21, which is a different class, titled “Housewares and Glass.” Therefore, to protect your spoons, you’ll need to file a separate trademark application.

Class Structure – goods and services

Further complicating things is that goods and services are never lumped together in the same class. For example, if you sell poultry, you’re selling a product that’s under class 29, titled “Meats and Processed Foods.” But if you operate a restaurant that sells poultry products, you’re providing a service that belongs in class 43, titled “Hotels and Restaurants.” Depending on your business, you may need to register your trademark in both classes. Additional fees are required for each registered class, so the more classes that are included in your trademark application, the more expensive the registration will be.

Class Structure – goods and services (continued)

Furthermore, many goods or services can fall into a single class, and it’s not always obvious from the class name which class your goods or services fall into. For example, class 25 is titled “Clothing” and includes not only aprons, dresses, and t-shirts, but also socks and shoes. Class 30 is titled “Staple Foods” and includes popcorn, spices, ice cream, cereal, and even coffee.

Finding the Best trademark class is critical

Choosing the wrong trademark class can cost you several hundred dollars and may result in a denial of your registration. Choosing the wrong class can also get you into trouble after your trademark is registered. For example, if you are using your trademark for a class of goods or services that it is not registered for, you could unwittingly be infringing someone else’s registered trademark. In addition, the USPTO could allow a competitor to register a similar trademark in the class you should have registered in, thereby giving the competitor trademark rights in that class that are superior to yours.

Help you with your trademark classes every step of the way

Trademark classes can be hard to understand. There are a lot of them, and it’s not always easy to tell where your product or service fits in. Send us an email or give us call if you need help choosing a trademark class. We can help you choose the right trademark class and successfully register your trademark.

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